In the wonderful Palazzo Miceli in San Sisto dei Valdesi last Saturday, Calabrian oil was the protagonist of the third edition of the national award named after Nino Iannotta.
Here are the names of the winners in their respective sections. For “light fruity” in second place was Salvatore Carvelli, in first place was Emma Albani. For the “medium fruity” category third place for Costantina Felicetti, second place for Leonardo Casalinuovo and first place Luisa Diano. For the category “intense fruity” second place Antonina Cosentino and first place Tommaso Torchia. Award dedicated directly to the Municipality of San Vincenzo La Costa, which organized the event, prerogative of Eugenio Chiappetta for the “light fruity” category. To all winners a double award offered by the sons of the unforgettable Iannotta and the Igp Consortium.
A beautiful evening, also enlivened by the music of maestro Grosso and the unfailing local delicacies, which had its institutional appendix with a well-attended conference and important guests. In fact, the meeting, moderated by journalist Francesco Mannarino, was attended by important experts in the field, non-secondary speakers and also prestigious guests. Starting with Prof. Riccardo Gucci, President of the National Academy of Olive and Oil.
And then the ‘Hon. Marco Cerreto, Group Leader Fdi Agriculture Committee Chamber of Deputies, Eng. Francesco Aceto, Regional President Coldiretti, Dr. Enzo Perri, Director CREA-OFA of Rende, Dr. Massimino Magliocchi, President Consortium for the protection and enhancement of Oil of Calabria PGI. To close, Hon. Gianluca Gallo, Regional Councillor for Agricultural Policies and Agribusiness Development, social and family policies. Particularly pleased was lawyer Gregorio Iannotta, mayor of San Vincenzo La Costa.
So was the president of the Consortium, Massimino Magliocchi, who was moved by the memory of his friend Nino Iannotta and by the quality of the debate that emerged.
The Competition aimed to enhance certified Italian extra virgin olive oils and Italian extra virgin olive oils, from different territorial areas, by selecting and indicating the best Italian quality oils obtained from the current oil campaign.
The Municipality of San Vincenzo La Costa, in collaboration with the Consorzio di Tutela e Valorizzazione Olio di Calabria IGP and the O.P. Cosentina Olive Association with the patronage of the National Academy of Olive, Olive Oil, Asso-pr-oli Calabria and the Crea Research Center for Olive, Fruit and Citrus Cultivation, have achieved a great result for the National Competition and for the awarding of the “Nino Luigi Iannotta” prizes, a researcher who has always been involved in the agronomic part of the supply chain and mainly in the phytosanitary defense of the olive tree.