A real “pact.” And a protocol of understanding officially presented between the two entities, Celico and Casali del Manco, together with the Consortium Olio di Calabria Igp. In the former Convent of the Capuchin Friars, the theme, moreover, left no doubt: “toward territorial excellence: strategies for promotion and enhancement.” On Saturday afternoon, the municipalities of Casali del Manco and Celico, together with the Olio di Calabria Igp Consortium, organized an interesting discussion on the theme of territorial excellence.
Territory, gastronomy, oil, wine are, in fact, pillars of our culture, but also drivers of development and economic growth. The initiative, aimed at sharing strategies for the promotion and enhancement of peculiar and quality products, inextricably linked to their places of origin, was attended by the Mayor of Casali del Manco Francesca Pisani, the Mayor of Celico Matteo Lettieri, the President of the Consortium Olio di Calabria Igp Massimino Magliocchi and the journalist and former Arsa Calabria official Enzo Pianelli.
The conclusions were entrusted to Regional Councillor with responsibility for Transport and Social Policies, Emma Staine. Journalist Francesco Mannarino moderated the proceedings. “Synergy between the public and private sectors, to support and enhance the excellence of the productive territory, is the best way forward,” argued the protagonists.
At work, all of them, to cultivate the ambition of quality and push for De.co, or municipal designations, which are certifications of the agri-food sector, with the function of tying a product or its production phases to a particular municipal territory. Unlike protected designations at the European level, de.co. are regulated at the municipal level and are therefore within the reach of initiatives for local enhancement of typical local products and recipes.
The initiative for the protection of the traditional product or process that is intended to be certified De.Co. can therefore also arise from a group of citizens or producing companies, who simply indicate eligibility for certification and the importance of the product or process for the community. Hence, the choice to “stand together.” Consortium, municipalities, region and above all citizens.