“Prevention in every drop,” is the title of the meeting that took place Sunday afternoon at the Regione Calabria stand at SOL – International Olive Oil Trade Show, the historic exhibition dedicated to olive oil and related products, being held at Vinitaly.
The theme of the meeting was the role of extra virgin olive oil in the fight against cancer, a topic of fundamental importance that has long been on the agenda of the Olio di Calabria Igp Consortium, thanks to its partnership with the Italian League for the Fight against Tumors. In addition to Consortium President Massimino Magliocchi present were, in fact, Francesco Schittulli, President of Lilt, Fulvia Michela Caligiuri, President of Arsac, Hon. Marco Cerreto, FdI Group Leader and member of the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, and Rosario Vari’ Assessor for Economic Development of the Calabria Region. Journalist Claudio Brachino moderated the meeting. The initiative, financed by Feasr – Psr Calabria 2014/20220 Measure 3.2, received unprecedented participation with much interest in the health aspect and prevention.
“Extra virgin olive oil can be an ally in cancer prevention, especially when it is part of a balanced, high-quality diet,” indeed, the president of the Calabrian Consortium, Massimino Magliocchi, reiterated.
One should not be afraid at all if a good liter of oil costs, on average, a few euros more. Especially, if you compare- for example- with buying a bottle of fine wine that could be consumed in 5-6 glasses, while oil in months.
The Consortium has been working very hard in recent years to make people understand that Calabrian, extra virgin olive oil contains polyphenols, which act as antioxidants. These neutralize free radicals, reducing the risk of cell damage that can lead to cancer formation. Interesting, in this regard, is the announcement of Congressman Cerreto, who anticipated a possible decree law to enter, also, into the protection of price and quality. Caligiuri is also convinced of this, who, through the region’s operational arm for the agricultural sector, namely Arsac, has raised quality and controls.
“For optimal benefits, it is important to choose high-quality extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil must have low acidity and intact organoleptic characteristics,” Lilt President Schittulli chimed in. Who gets angry when, instead of focusing on prevention, politicians announce millions of euros to build new hospitals and thus treat the disease that is already there.
The oil of Calabria, therefore, at the center of prevention with an impressive and qualified media campaign.
“We are proud to be at the side of LILT in this commitment in the proper dissemination of healthy eating habits, the basis of a healthy lifestyle,” the finale of President Magliocchi. Who, has already announced the active participation of the Calabrian Consortium for LILT’s upcoming national campaigns.
At the end of the conference, a cocktail tasting based on Calabrian oils and liqueurs: “Calabrian drink experience,” a unique event starring drinks with a special taste, created for the occasion thanks to the collaboration between the Consortium Olio di Calabria Igp and Qual’italy, by the talented Enzo Serra, “liquor tailoring specialized in the production of infusions and bitters that pay homage to the Calabrian territory.”